Figure 13 Cognitiv training of push with animate cube according to training action
Finally, you are prompted to accept or reject the training recording. Ideal Cognitiv detection
performance is typically achieved by supplying consistent training data (i.e. a consistent mental
visualization on the part of the user) across several training sessions for each enabled action. The
ability to reject the last training recording allows you to decide whether you were able to remain
mentally focused on the appropriate action during the last training session. Alternatively, you may
press the
Abort Training
button to abort the training recording if you are interrupted, become
distracted, or notice problems with the EPOC Neuroheadset contact quality indicators during the
recording. A training session is automatically discarded if the wireless signal strength or EEG
signal quality is poor for a significant portion of the training period. A notification will be displayed to
the user if this has occurred.
3.3.4 Training Neutral
The Neutral “action” refers to the user’s passive mental state; one that isn’t associated with any of
the selected Cognitiv actions. While training Neutral, you should enter a mental state that doesn’t
involve the other Cognitiv actions. Typically this means engaging in passive mental activities such
as reading or just relaxing. However, to minimize “false-positive” Cognitiv action results (i.e.
incorrect reporting of unintended actions), it may also be helpful to emulate other mental states and
facial expressions that are likely to be encountered in the application context and environment in