6. Parameters
6.1 Parameter List
Process menu title
J type (Fe,Cu,Ni) Thermocouple,
Process input type selection
( Default Value = J Type (FE.C.n) )
Pt - 100 , -199.9°C,650.0°C or -199.9°F,999.9°F
K type (Ni,Cr,Ni) Thermocouple , -200°C,1300°C or -328°F,2372°F
R type (Pt13%RhPt) Thermocouple , 0°C,1700°C or 32°F,3092°F
S type (Pt10%RhPt) Thermocouple, 0°C,1700°C or 32°F,3092°F
T type (Cu,Cu,Ni) Thermocouple , -200°C,400°C or -328°F,752°F
Pt - 100 , -200°C,650°C or -328°F,1202°F
Unit is °C
Unit Selection
( Default Value = °C )
Unit is °F
Process Set Low Limit. Minimum process set value is defined with this parameter.
It changes according to process input type and scale.
( Default Value = -200 )
Process Set High Limit. Maximum process set value is defined with this parameter.
It changes according to process input type and scale.
( Default Value = 900 )
Control menu title
Self - Tune (Step Response Tuning) does not run. (Please refer to Section 7.1 for
Tune Operation)
Tune parameter
( Default Value = no )
This parameter can be observed if
parameter is
Self - Tune runs (Step Response Tuning) .
Process type is heating
Process Type selection
( Default Value = Heat )
Process type is cooling
Process Control form is ON/OFF
Process Control Type selection
( Default Value = on.oF )
Process Control form is PID
Display offset for process value.
It can be adjusted from -10% of scale ( PuPL- PLoL ) to 10% of scale( PuPL- PLoL ). It
is added to the process display value.
( Default Value = 0 )