Technical amendments reserved, errors excepted
a) Shaft height 56 to 132 (closed bearings)
If the time from delivery to commissioning of the en-
gines is
» under proper conditions (storage in dry, dust-free
and vibration-free rooms) more than 4 years
» more than 2 years under unfavourable conditions
the bearings must be replaced.
b) Shaft height 160 to 355
If the time from delivery to commissioning of the en-
gines is
» under proper conditions (storage in dry, dust-free
and vibration-free rooms) more than 4 years
» more than 2 years under unfavourable conditions
the bearings must be relubricated.
Only identical or compatible greases may be used for
Insulation resistance
The insulation resistance of the windings to ground
must be measured before commissioning of the mo-
tors. If the minimum values specified by the manufac-
turer are not observed, the motor windings must be
The following conditions apply to the measurement:
The insulation resistance of the winding is measured
with a DC voltage of 500V to ground. Here, the measu-
ring voltage is applied until the reading values main-
tain stable. The specified minimum values must be
reached during the measurement:
Minimum insulation resistance for new, cleaned or
repaired windings (at 25°C) 10 MOhm
Critical specific insulation resistance after long opera-
tion time at 25ºC winding temperature 0,5 MOhm/kV
The critical value of the insulation resistance is calcu-
lated by multiplying the nominal voltage (in kV) by the
given specific critical insulation resistance (0.5 MOhm
/ kV).
critical insulation resistance for =690V:
0,69 kV x 0,5 MOhm/kV = 0,345 MOhm