This function sets the AutoOff timeout if required. If the knob button or knob is not used
for the timeout period, then the Satlook will display “AutoOff” and power down. This
setting is then saved as a power on parameter.
Backlight Configuration
The backlight can be set so that it will turn off after a delay. The setting is then saved as a
power on parameter.
Set LNB Type
The LNB used can be set so that the frequency displayed is correct and the stored
transponders are correctly used.
The “Universal” entry sets the LNB so that two local oscillator frequencies (9750MHz and
10600MHz).are used for conversion. These are switched using the 22kHz signal to select
the 9750MHz local oscillator when the 22kHz is off and the 10600MHz local oscillator
when the 22kHz is on. The LNB downconverts the satellite signal to the Intermediate
Frequency as:
IF = Frequency
- Frequency
The “10.7 Univ” entry is similar except that the two local oscillator frequencies are
9750MHz and 10700MHz.
The “5.15” LNB type is for C Band. The LNB downconversion for this LNB is:
IF = Frequency
- Frequency
The “IF” entry uses no conversion. The frequency displayed is in the 950MHz to
2150MHz band.
UniCable LNB selection uses the tuning commands for UniCable. The User Band default
is 1 and can be changed using the Setup -> UniCable Band command (see page 22). This