1. Install 10 mm or
in anchors (not supplied) suitable to
anchor the weight of the GC (approx. 20 kg or 45 lbs) as per
the drawing. Use the bracket as a guide to locate the anchors
correctly before drilling the holes. The threads of the anchors
should protrude from the wall by 40 mm (1½ in).
2. Mount the 370XA bracket to the wall anchors and tighten the
nuts. Ensure that the bracket is attached firmly to the wall.
2. Maneuver the GC to insert the two top bolts into the eyelets
of the mounting bracket and allow the bolts to drop down and
hold the GC loosely on the bracket.
12 mm
(.5 in)
Mount the bracket on the wall.
Set the GC onto the bracket.
1. Use a 6 mm hex wrench to screw the top two bolts into the back
of the 370XA without the washers, leaving ½-inch (1.5 cm) of
thread showing.
3. Screw in the two bottom bolts through the mounting bracket
with the washers on. The flat washer should be against the
bracket , and the spring washer between the flat washer and the
bolt head. Hand tighten these two bolts so that they secure the
GC in place.
4. One at a time, remove the top bolts, put on the washers, and
screw the bolts into the back of the GC and hand tighten.
140 mm
(5½ in)
275 mm
1000 mm
(40 in)
40 mm