InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
1 abOut the Manual
This manual has been prepared as an aid and
guide for personnel involved in installation or
maintenance. all instructions must be read and
understood thoroughly before attempting any
installation, operation or maintenance.
safety InstruCtIOns
Emerson does not have any control over the
manner in which its gagecock set is handled,
installed or used and Emerson cannot and does
not warrant or guarantee that a gagecock set
is suitable or compatible for the user's specific
Failure to follow any instruction could possibly
result in a malfunction of the gagecocks, resulting in
leakage, severe physical injury or property damage.
2 IntrOduCtIOn
2.1 features and specifications
Penberthy Series N6 gagecocks are supplied in
pairs (upper and lower) that house each end of
a transparent sight glass tube. This gagecock/
glass combination forms a gage that indicates
liquid level as well as liquid characteristics
Standard features of Series N6 gagecocks
in non steam-water applications are: a ball
check shut-off to stop leakage of contained
fluid in case of accidental gage glass breakage,
integral bonnet, drain cock and handwheel.
safety InstruCtIOns
Under most circumstances, Series N6 gagecocks
are not recommended without the ball check
shut-off. Gagecocks without the ball check
shut-off feature will not stop leakage of contained
fluid in the event of accidental tubular glass
breakage. However, in circumstances where
the fluid being gaged tends to surge in a rapid
manner, the ball checks could tend to give a
false level reading or seat accidentally.
Series N6 gagecocks are not suitable for
steam-water applications unless they are
furnished with one of the following optional
1. Non-automatic gagecocks - ball checks
removed from both upper and lower
2. automatic gagecocks - vertical rising
ball check and ball inspection plug in
the lower gagecock in conjunction with a
steam cleaner in the lower gagecock stem.
The upper gagecock is equipped with a
horizontal ball check and a leaky ball seat
formed in the body.
Under no circumstances should Series N6
gagecocks be used for steam-water applications
unless they are equipped with one of the above
optional features. Use of standard Series N6
gagecocks without these features may result in
sudden release of pressure, leakage of contained
fluid, severe physical injury or property damage.
2.2 design ratings at maximum and minimum
operating temperatures (see table 1)
To determine the maximum allowable working
pressure for a specific temperature within the
design limits stated below, the user should
refer to relevant technical data sheets or, when
provided, the specifically stated design limits
on a product proposal.
table 1 - desIgn ratIngs at MaxIMuM and MInIMuM OPeratIng teMPeratures
body material
glass packing material
Maximum allowable working pressure
Maximum steam pressure
rubber (standard)
200 psig (1.38 mPa) at -20°F ( -29°c) to + 100°F (38°c)
190 psig (1.31 mPa) at +200°F ( 93°c)
125 (825 mPa)
PTFE (optional)
200 psig (1380 mPa) at -20°F ( -29°c) to + 100°F
125 psig ( 860 mPa) at +400°F (204°c)
125 (825 mPa)
Pressure/temperature ranges in above table are subject to the limitations of the tubular glass. See Table 2.