I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A L R E V 4 . 2
The "Micro-turn" 200 on - line test and audit system (p/n 1A99993H24) may be used for:
Opacity audit
Linearity checks and adjustments
System accuracy verification
Service on line or off stack
The "Micro-turn" 200 on - line test and audit system (p/n 1A99993H24) contains a test reflector, three neutral density filters, filter
certification certificates and carrying case.
Filter certification, replacement or additional Neutral Density Filters are available by calling 203-935-0102 ext 10. Ask for Neutral
Density Filter certification information. If not regulated by EPA regulations in your State to a more frequent schedule it is suggested
you re-calibrate Neutral Density Filters used for Opacity Audits at the minimum of 6 months. Filters are tested per USA Code of
Federal Regulations 40CFR60 Appx. B, Performance Specification 1, Section 7.1.3 Attenuation Calibration. Filter certification
Neutral Density Filters for Micro-turn 200 are calibrated on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda Series 6 / PECSS Spectrophotometer per Federal
Environmental Protection Agency specifications. These specifications are contained in the Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 60,
Appendix B, Performance Specification 1, Attenuator Calibration. The filters are scanned over the visible region from 380 to 780
nanometers in one nanometer steps and the resulting transmittances of the filter are weighted to the Source C Human Eye
Response by multiplying each value by its associated response factor. The corrected values of transmittance are converted to %
Opacity and the value is recorded on the filter and associated chart.