Step 5: Set Up the MultiFlex ESR
Software Overview • 10
Step 5: Set Up the MultiFlex
Before setting up the MultiFlex ESR evaporator
stepper regulator, you must have completed
steps 1-4 so that the MultiFlex ESR boards are
added and configured correctly in your Standard
Circuit applications. In this step, you must spec-
ify the type of valves being used and (if neces-
sary) the specifics of the valve such as step rate
and maximum number of steps.
To edit a MultiFlex ESR application:
Configured Applications.
Use the arrow keys to highlight
and press
or simply enter the
number next to it. The MultiFlex ESR Sum-
mary screen will open.
If more than one MultiFlex ESR is listed,
choose the one you wish to edit, and press
From the status screen, press
- SET-
A. General Setup Screen
The General Setup screen is where general prop-
erties of the MultiFlex ESR application are spec-
ified. The only field on this screen you will edit
is the
field. If you wish to assign a name
to this MultiFlex ESR application, enter it in this
field; otherwise, move to the Valves Setup
Temp Fail EEPR %
The MultiFlex ESR uses the value set
in this field if the case temperature
sensor fails. This feature is always
Temp Fail Use
Avg %
If an ECT Flow valve has been se-
lected, the MultiFlex ESR will have
the option to use the daily average
valve % if the case temperature sen-
sor fails. This option is only available
when valve type is set to ECT Flow.
Comm Fail EEPR %
The MultiFlex ESR uses the value set
in this field if a communication fail-
ure with the board occurs. This fea-
ture is always available.
Comm Fail Use
Avg %
If an ECT Flow valve has been se-
lected, the MultiFlex ESR will have
the option to use the Daily Average
Valve % if a communication failure
with the board occurs. This option is
only available when the valve type is
set to ECT Flow.
If enabled (default), the scheduled
defrost will occur if the board is of-
fline (comm fail). If disabled, and the
MultiFlex ESR board containing the
valve associated with this circuit is in
comm fail, the standard circuit will
skip any scheduled defrost and an ad-
visory will be generated. Additional-
ly, two configurable advisory
parameters will appear.
Circuit Valve
Table 6-1 - MultiFlex ESR Valve Parameters - E2 More Tab
Figure 6-7 -MultiFlex ESR Summary Screen
NOTE: Use the F1 and F2 keys to scroll
between screens.
Summary of Contents for MultiFlex ESR
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