Instruction Manual
V200U Valve
May 2020
8. Remove the packing parts (see figure 4, keys 16, 17, 35, and 39 depending on construction) using a formed wire
hook with a sharp end. Pierce the rings with the sharp end of the hook in order to remove them. Do not scratch the
drive shaft or packing box wall; scratching these surfaces could cause leakage. Clean all accessible metal parts and
surfaces to remove particles that would prevent the packing from sealing.
If the valve is equipped with the ENVIRO‐SEAL packing system, refer to the ENVIRO‐SEAL Packing System for Rotary
Valves instruction manual (
1. To help ensure correct centering of the Vee‐Ball (key 2) on the seal (key 11), make sure the ball is closed while you
install or tighten new packing. Insert a screwdriver, pry bar, or similar tool between the lower ear of the ball and the
valve body. Use the pry to move the ball tightly against the bearing on the actuator side of the valve (see figure 5).
Keep the ball in that position until you have completed packing installation and adjustment.
2. Install the new packing parts using the parts sequence shown in figure 4. Install the packing follower (key 17).
3. Secure the packing follower with the packing follower nuts (key 20). Tighten the nuts far enough to stop leakage
under operating conditions.
If the valve is equipped with a bonding strap assembly (figure 2), re‐install the assembly.
4. Reconnect the actuator and lever in accordance with the orientations that were noted in step 3 of the disassembly
procedures. If necessary, use figure 10 to identify the correct index marks.
5. Refer to the appropriate actuator instruction manual to complete actuator assembly and adjustment.
6. When the control valve is in operation, check the packing follower for leakage and re-tighten the packing follower
nuts (key 20) as necessary.