Loc:04 Dosaodor-D Rev. 4.17
a) Odorant Volume in the Tank
0100 *
b) Low Odorant Level Tank
000 *
c) Odorant Specific Gravity
1.00 *
a) Odorant Volume in Pickup Tank
Enter the liters of odorant in the tank which is connected
to the system detected by reading the indicator level
(which is normally installed).
After each injection, the quantity inserted in the pipe is
subtracted. This is used to generate the alarm signal for
low odorant level. This value must be updated each time
that the tank is refilled.
b) Low Odorant Level in the Tank
Enter the odorant quantity expressed in liters, under
which the alarm contact is closed indicating that there is
low odorant level in the tank.
The contact opens when a higher or equal “Odorant
Volume in Tank” is inserted according to the selected
alarm value (to be used to send a signal through User
remote control system).
Odorant Specific Weight
Enter the value corresponding to the type of liquid used.
This is used for conversions between injected milligrams
and liters coming from the tank
(THT=1.00 - Mercaptani=0.80)
Loc:05 Dosaodor-D Rev. 4.17
a) Pulse Output Odorant
001 *
b) Pulse Output Gas
0010 *
c) Contractual Hour Day End
00000000 *
a) Pulse Output Odorant
Used to set the quantity of grams of injected odorant that
activates the output pulse. This is used to remotely count
the odorant quantity injected into the system.
b) Pulse Output Gas
Used to set the quantity of cubic meters of gas totalized
by the system to remotely activate the output pulse.
c) Contractual Hour Day End 0‑23
Used to set the end of Fiscal Day.
if you set 06, the system calculates the Gas/Odorant Day/
Month volume between 06:00:00 of present Day to 05:59:59
of last Day; date used is equal to Start Day. Set hour will be
used on Display / Printer / Storage data.
Loc:06 Dosaodor-D Rev. 4.17
a) Max Reloading Time
300 *
b) F.S. Gas Flowrate (4 – 20 mA) m
00000000 *
a) Max Reloading Time
Used to set the maximal cylinder reloading time; when
Dosaodor-D starts odorant cylinder refilling at the same time
the internal Reloading Timer is reset. If after programming
the Dosaodor-D set value it does not detect the High
Odorant cylinder level, the Reloading Alarm is activated and
the Disable Mode switched on.
b) F.S. Gas Flowrate (4 ‑ 20 mA)
Enter the gas flowrate corresponding to the Full Scale value
(20 mA) of the analog input (the exact value, can be found
by checking the flowrate on the measuring equipment E.g.:
Flow computer).
Loc:09 Dosaodor-D Rev. 4.17 Sw4=ON
a) Password for Remote Program
b) Installed Modem Type 0-4
c) 0=No Modem 1= 2156-92=TC35
a) Password for Remote Program
Enter the four numbers Password, this value is used to
bypass the security key switch during serial connection.
If you enter, by serial connection protocol code 10, the
correct password, Dosaodor-D permit changes of the
Work Status, Injector Select, and Programmed Dates.
The security bypass remains active for 15 seconds after
the last correct communication messages. The password
value is only show during the insertion procedure, after
this is impossible to check the value programmed. If the
password is missed you must Re-insert a new one.
b) Installed Modem Type
Used to set the type of modem installed inside of
Dosaodor-D Electronic Control Unit on COM1
One of the following options can be selected:
0 = No Modem - No Modem is installed inside of ECU
1= 2156-92 – Telephone Line Modem “MICROTEL 2156”
is Installed inside of ECU
2=TC35 - GSM/GPRS Radio Modem is Installed inside
of ECU
Selection is active ONLY if Switch N°4 is in ON Position,
check the current position on Right-Top Display.
When the modem selection is changed the ECU sends
a new configuration command to the Modem, during this
Time (8 seconds) Keyboards & Display are deactivated.