1592026260 IEV22-24D GB r.1.0 21.02.2019 IEV 35/60
If the calculated superheating is below this value and remains below this value for the Et50
time, the regulator carried out corrections on the adjustment (in terms of valve closure) in
order to increase the superheating value and go above this threshold again
Et14 / Et34
= additional integral time to prevent low overheating in summer and winter mode
This parameter is used to increase the integral component in the event of low superheating
Et15 / Et35
= maximum MOP operating pressure threshold
Once the maximum operating pressure has been exceeded, the regulator corrects the
adjustment by closing the valve, for each second that passes, of the value expressed with
parameter Et16 / Et36
Et16 / Et36
= number of steps during closure or aperture during the MOP and LOP phases
Et17 / Et37
= minimum LOP operating pressure threshold
Once the minimum operating pressure has been exceeded, the regulator corrects the
adjustment by opening the valve, for each second that passes, of the value expressed with
parameter Et16 / Et36
Et18 / Et38
= percentage decrease of the valve when the low superheating threshold is
Once the low superheating threshold has been exceeded, the regulator corrects the
adjustment by opening the valve, for each second that passes, of the value expressed with
parameter Et18 / Et38
Et19 / Et39
= maximum aperture percentage of the valve in cooling and heating mode
Under special circumstances there might be the need to change the maximum aperture value
of the valve. This can be done by setting the suitable value for this parameter.
Et20 / Et40
= minimum aperture percentage of the valve in cooling and heating mode
Under special circumstances there might be the need to change the minimum aperture value
of the valve. This can be done by setting the suitable value for this parameter.
Et21 / Et41
= filter for the pressure measurement in cooling and heating mode
These parameters can be used to slow down the pressure reading, which effectively serves
as a filter in the event of extensive pressure
Et22 / Et42
= filter for the temperature measurement in cooling and heating mode
These parameters can be used to slow down the temperature reading, which effectively
serves as a filter in the event of extensive temperature
Et23 / Et43
= time for which aperture is maintained from when the adjustment starts
When the adjustment starts, the valve is open at the value set under parameters Et1 / Et4
and i
t is “frozen” in this state for the Et23 / Et43 time.
If the IEV is connected via LAN to the Ichill 200EVO, the consent to turn on the compressor
is given once this time has elapsed; if the IEV is in STD_ALONE mode when the adjustment
starts, the valve wil
l keep the aperture set for the Et23 / Et43 time without “synching” with the
start-up of the compressor
Et24 / Et44
= time to update the aperture and closure of the valve
This parameter is used to change, if necessary, the time to update the aperture and close of
the valve
Et25 / Et45
= aperture time of the valve in the event of a probe error
In the event of a probe failure, the aperture of the valve is increased by Et26 / Et45 percent
every Et25 / Et45 seconds
Et26 / Et46
= aperture percentage of the valve in the event of a probe error
In the event of a probe failure, the aperture of the valve is increased by Et26 / Et45 percent
every Et25 / Et45 seconds
= LOP alarm signal delay