1592026260 IEV22-24D GB r.1.0 21.02.2019 IEV 28/60
The movement takes place for “HALF A STEP”. Make sure that the technical documentation of the valve
you need to use mentions control by half a step, otherwise this will result in an incorrect control of the
valve). An impulse is provided on one or two phases in the suitable sequence based on the direction of
rotation of the motor (aperture or closure).
The parameters related to the number of steps (maximum number of regulating steps, minimum number
of regulating steps, maximum number of steps per second, etc.) are common to both valves type,
unipolar and bipolar, and they are expressed in full steps; during setting phase, it is therefore necessary
to pay attention that, for example, if the technical documentation of the valve declares the number of
steps per second = 90 half steps, the value to be written in the corresponding parameter is 45 full steps
per second.
Please, make attention that the reference documentation for the configuration of these parameters is
the technical documentation of the valve, in which must be specified if the data relating to the steps are
expressed in full steps or half steps.
The movement of the bipolar valve takes place by providing current micro impulses to the valve's motor.
When the valve is stopped because it has reached the optimum position, the current is reduced (if the
function is enabled) in order to limit consumption and to prevent excessive overh
eating. The “
current is defined by parameter
Valve selection
If the valve is the unipolar type, all relevant parameters must be set manually.
If the valve is the bipolar type it is possible to select, using the parameters EC9 / EC18, one of the pre-
configured valves.
If the valve to be used is not available on the list, you must manually set the parameters shown in the
table below using the data available in the documentation of the valve; in this case the parameters EC9
/ EC18 must be set to 0 value.
The IEV driver has stored the data of some valves available on the market; due to errors in the
valves documentation or updates made by the manufacturer, the data may change over time.
It is necessary to check the updated data before using the valve driver IEV; if the data of the
valve have been modified by the manufacturer or if the data reported in the technical
documentation are different from those shown in the table below, the parameters of the valve
must be set manually.