1592026260 IEV22-24D GB r.1.0 21.02.2019 IEV 23/60
A high superheating value means that the gas flow passing in the evaporator is insufficient and the
evaporation process ends before reaching the end of the evaporator. The valve must be opened to
increase the gas flow.
A low superheating value means that the gas flow passing in the evaporator is excessive and the
evaporation process does not end before reaching the end of the evaporator. The valve must be closed
to reduce the gas flow.
Parameters Ec6 and Ec7 configure the association of valves 1 e 2 with a cooling circuit:
not present
circuit 1
circuit 2
Use parameters Ec4 and Ec5 to selecting operating mode of the valves, which can be:
summer mode only (chiller)
winter mode only (heat pump)
summer and winter mode (chiller and heat pump)
mode, if no digital input is configured to select the summer / winter operating mode:
- in case of a circuit with one valve:
If the valve is set to operate in summer mode only (Ec4 =0 /Ec5 =0), the adjustment will take
place in this mode
If the valve is set to operate in heating mode only (Ec4 =1 /Ec5 =1), the adjustment will take
place in this mode
If the valve is set to operate in summer and winter mode only (Ec4 =2 /Ec5 =2), this will
generate a configuration error
- in the event of a circuit with two valves, this will generate a
configuration error
Kind of operation
One can determine whether the calculation of the aperture value of the valve is calculated by the
regulator based on the PID parameters entered manually in the parameter map or automatically (self-
adaptive function) by the device:
by setting parameters Et7 and Et27 with a value other than 0, the adjustment is carried out
by considering the PID parameters entered in the parameters map
by setting parameters Et7 and Et27 to 0, the adjustment is automatically carried out by the
controller, which autonomously calculates the aperture of the valve based on a number of
The auto-adaptive operation is only recommended in cases where the machine operates mainly in
terms of stability, in which the automatic adjustment can reach the optimum setting; in heat pumps,
machines in which the change of operation mode (heating, cooling, domestic hot water, defrost), the
optimum adjustment is achieved by manually setting the PID parameters.
In PID control, it is advisable to adjust the parameters PI leaving the derivative D to the value 0; the
setting of this parameter is not simple and its variation has important effects on the regulation.