IEC 62591 Wireless Interface Instruction Manual (for ControlWave Micro)
Revised October-2019
Configuration and Commissioning
Chapter 3
– Configuration and Commissioning
In This Chapter
Configuring Devices and Planning the Network ................... 3-2
Network ID and Join Key ...................................................... 3-3
Adapter ................................................ 3-3
Active List and Commission List........................................... 3-4
IEC 62591 Sample Program(s)........................................................ 3-4
Before You Begin ................................................................. 3-5
Accessing the IEC 62591 Sample Program(s)..................... 3-5
ACTIVE_DEVICES_ARRAY_V1_20 datatype ................................ 3-8
ACTIVE_DEVICES_ARRAY datatype ............................................. 3-8
.............................................. 3-8
...................................... 3-8
datatypes .............................................................................. 3-9
ErrorCatch Function Block (OPTIONAL) ............................ 3-10
Modifying the DevData Function Block (OPTIONAL) ........ 3-10
Modifying the ACT_LIST Function Block (OPTIONAL) ...... 3-11
Configuring the Commission List........................................ 3-13
Specifying the Join Key ...................................................... 3-15
Specifying the Network ID and Slot Number ...................... 3-15
Configuring the Statistics List (OPTIONAL) ....................... 3-15
Additional Programming Notes........................................... 3-17
Commissioning Wireless Devices.................................................. 3-17
3.3.1 Active Advertising ............................................................... 3-18
Decommissioning or Replacing Wireless Devices ........................ 3-18
WirelessHART Data Access and Statistics ................................... 3-19
WirelessHART Data Access............................................... 3-19
WirelessHART Communication Statistics .......................... 3-20
In addition to wiring the Field Link to the IEC 62591 module and
applying power to the module, you need to configure your ControlWave
project to access the wireless network so it can discover and
commission each WirelessHART device in the entire network. You
also need to individually configure each WirelessHART device that will
belong in the network with a unique long tag name and a common
Network ID and common Join Key.
Refer to the
Emerson Field Tools Quick Start Guide
D301703X412) for instructions on using AMS Device
Configurator to configure the WirelessHART devices with the
long tag name, Network ID, and Join Key.