CSB400 Series
Downstream Control Line Installation
Failure to install a downstream control
line could result in a hazardous condition.
Install downstream control line(s) to the
slam-shut device when construction
uses external pressure registration.
The regulator and slam-shut device
will not control pressure or shutoff if a
downstream control line is not installed
on those constructions where external
pressure registration is required.
CSB400 Series regulators with an “ET” or “EN” in the
type number use external pressure registration. To
communicate the downstream pressure to the regulator,
connect a downstream control line tubing to the
3/4 NPT control line tapping in the lower diaphragm
casing and connect the other end of the tubing
downstream of the regulator outlet with a minimum
distance of 4 times the outlet pipe diameter.
For Types CSB400 and CSB404 with external control
lines, use tubing with an outer diameter of 9,5 mm
(0.375-inch) or larger. For Types CSB420, CSB424,
CSB450, and CSB454 with external control lines, use
tubing with an outer diameter of 13 mm (0.5-inch)
or larger.
The Types CSB410, CSB414, CSB430, and CSB434
are dedicated wide-open monitoring regulators and are
installed upstream of a primary working regulator. Refer
to Figure 9 for installation of the downstream control
line. To communicate the downstream pressure to the
wide-open monitor regulator, connect a downstream
control line tubing to the 3/4 NPT control line tapping in
the lower diaphragm casing of the monitor regulator and
connect the other end of the tubing downstream of the
regulator outlet with a minimum distance of 4 times the
outlet pipe diameter.
For Types CSB410 and CSB414, use tubing with an
outer diameter of 9,5 mm (0.375-inch) or larger.
For Types CSB430 and CSB434, use tubing with an
outer diameter of 13 mm (0.5-inch) or larger.
Downstream Control Line Installation with
Integral Monitor
Refer to Figure 10. When installing the Types CSB403
and CSB423 regulators, connect downstream control
line tubing to the lower casing of the primary regulator,
and run the tubing downstream of the regulator outlet
with a minimum distance of 4 times the outlet pipe
diameter. Connect a second, separate downstream
control line tubing to the lower casing of the Integral
Monitor, and run the tubing downstream of the
regulator outlet with a minimum distance of 4 times
the outlet pipe diameter.
For Type CSB403 with external control lines, use tubing
with an outer diameter of 9,5 mm (0.375-inch) or larger
for both the primary regulator and Integral Monitor.
For Type CSB423 with external control lines, use tubing
with an outer diameter of 13 mm (0.5-inch) or larger for
both the primary regulator and Integral Monitor.
Downstream Control Line Installation with
Refer to Figure 11. When installing the Types CS404ET,
CS404EN, CSB424ET, CSB424EN, and CSB454EN
regulators, connect downstream control line tubing to
the lower casing of the regulator, and run the tubing
downstream of the regulator outlet with a minimum
distance of 4 times the outlet pipe diameter. Connect
a second, separate downstream control line tubing to
the lower casing of the slamshut, and run the tubing
downstream of the regulator outlet a minimum distance
of 4 times the outlet pipe diameter.
For Type CSB404 with external control lines, use tubing
with an outer diameter of 9,5 mm (0.375-inch) or larger
for the primary regulator and 6,4 mm (0.25-inch) or larger
for the slamshut.
For Types CSB424 and CSB454 with external control
lines, use tubing with an outer diameter of 13 mm
(0.5-inch) or larger for the primary regulator and 6,4 mm
(0.25-inch) or larger for the slamshut.
Installation with External Overpressure
If the regulator is used in conjunction with a Type 289H
relief valve, it should be installed as shown in Figure 8.
The outside end of the vent line should be protected
with a rainproof assembly. The Type 289H is typically
set 25 mbar (10-inches w.c.) higher than the outlet
pressure setting of the regulator, up to 75 mbar
(30-inches w.c.) outlet pressure. For pressure greater
than this, set the Type 289H 0,05 bar (0.75 psi) higher
than the outlet pressure setting of the regulator.
Vent Line Installation
The CSB400 Series regulators have a 1 NPT screened
vent opening in the spring case. If necessary to vent
escaping gas away from the regulator, install a remote
vent line in the spring case tapping. Vent piping should
be as short and direct as possible with a minimum