CSB400 Series
For the Type CSB403 with Integral
Monitor or the Type CSB404 with
Slamshut, point the vents of both the
primary regulator and Integral Monitor
or slam shut downward to allow
condensate to drain. From the factory,
the Integral Monitor or slamshut will
always point in the same direction as
that of the primary regulator.
Under enclosed conditions or indoors,
escaping gas may accumulate and be
an explosion hazard. In these cases,
the vent should be piped away from the
regulator to the outdoors.
CSB400 Series regulators have an
outlet pressure rating lower than their
inlet pressure rating. If actual inlet
pressure can exceed the outlet pressure
rating, outlet overpressure protection
is necessary. However, overpressuring
any portion of the regulators beyond the
limits in the Specifications section may
cause leakage, damage to regulator parts,
or personal injury due to bursting of
pressure-containing parts.
Some type of external overpressure
protection should be provided to the
CSB400 Series if inlet pressure will be
high enough to damage downstream
equipment. Common methods of external
overpressure protection include relief
valves, monitoring regulators, shut-off
devices, and series regulation.
If the regulator is exposed to an
overpressure condition, it should be
inspected for any damage that may have
occurred. Regulator operation below
the limits specified in the Specifications
section and regulator nameplate does
not preclude the possibility of damage
from external sources or from debris in
the pipeline.
Before installing the regulator, check for
damage which might have occurred in
shipment. also check for dirt or foreign
matter which may have accumulated in the
regulator body or in the pipeline. apply
pipe compound to the external threads of
the pipeline and install the regulator so
that flow is in the direction of the arrow
cast on the body. The diaphragm casing
assembly can be rotated to any position
relative to the body. Loosen the two cap
screws (key 71, Figure 12) in order to
rotate the diaphragm casing assembly.
general Installation Instructions
Before installing the regulator,
• Check for damage, which might have occurred
during shipment.
• Check for and remove any dirt or foreign material,
which may have accumulated in the regulator body.
• Blow out any debris, dirt, or copper sulfate in the
copper tubing and the pipeline.
• Apply pipe compound to the external threads of the
pipe before installing the regulator.
• Make sure gas flow through the regulator is in the
same direction as the arrow on the body. “Inlet” and
“Outlet” connections are clearly marked.
• Verify that:
- Equipment limits of utilization (PS, TS) correspond
to the desired operating conditions.
- The inlet is protected by an appropriate device(s) to
avoid exceeding the allowable limits (PS, TS).
• When designing a pressure reducing station using a
CSB regulator, make an analysis if it is necessary
to take into account the effects of wind, snow, and
temperature to avoid unnecessary load and
movement to the flanges of the equipment.
• If needed, a support may be used under the piping
and regulator/slam-shut body to avoid excessive
pressure force on the regulator/slam shut.
Installation Location
• The installed regulator should be adequately
protected from vehicular traffic and damage from
other external sources.
• Install the regulator with the vent pointed vertically
down, see Figures 8 through 11. If the vent cannot
be installed in a vertically down position, the regulator
must be installed under a separate protective
cover. Installing the regulator with the vent down
allows condensation to drain, minimizes the entry
of water or other debris from entering the vent, and
minimizes vent blockage from freezing precipitation.