July 2020
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VA-DC-000-1803 Rev. 2
Section 3: Actuator Reassembly
Actuator Reassembly
Section 3: Actuator Reassembly
General Reassembly
Check shelf life of seals. Only new seals, which are still within the seal’s expectant shelf life,
should be installed into the actuator being refurbished.
Remove and discard all old seals and gaskets.
All parts should be cleaned to remove all dirt and other foreign material prior
to inspection.
All parts should be thoroughly inspected for excessive wear, stress cracking,
galling and pitting. Attention should be directed to threads, sealing surfaces and
areas that will be subjected to sliding or rotating motion. Sealing surfaces of the
cylinder, tie bars and piston rod must be free of deep scratches, pitting, corrosion
and blistering or flaking coating.
Inspect parts before use. Actuator parts that reflect any of the above listed characteristics
should be replaced with new parts.
Before installation coat all moving parts with a complete film of lubricant. Coat all
seals with a complete film of lubricant, before installing into seal grooves.
The parts and seals used in the actuator will be assembled using lubricant as identified in
Section 1, step 1.6.1 through 1.6.2.
Drive Module Reassembly
Review Section 3.1 General Reassembly before proceeding with drive module reassembly.
Refer to dwg. VA115680 for details.
Drive module is to be assembled using the lubricant identified in Section 1, step 1.6.1.