similar processes in nature occur during the contact of spring water with rocks as well as during the
phase transitions in the process of deglaciation.
The auxiliary catalytic filter consisting of the highest quality natural processed coal (grade A
hydroanthracite) serves for advanced water treatment from the oxidized organic and the
chloroorganic compounds (including the herbicides, pesticides, surfactants, phenols, antibiotics,
antidepressants, hormones).
The auxiliary electrokinetic filter consisting of the purest natural mountain quartz serves for the
advanced treatment of water from the mechanical impurities, heavy metals, iron, manganese and
hydrogen sulfide.
Useful information
The purification and electrical treatment of water in the anode and cathode chambers are
highly efficient and safe. The water treatment processes are identical to natural ones but they
are accelerated tens of thousands of times due to the use of the latest technologies and elec-
trochemical modules.
The catalytic and electrokinetic filters work in "purity". They are located after the anodic
destruction of microbes, microbial toxins and biofilms which significantly increases their
efficiency and service life. Therefore the filter elements in the EMERALD are protected from
the reproduction of microbes, fouling with the harmful biofilms and water contamination by
the microbial toxins!
The latest technologies used in the EMERALD allow you to get the clean and useful antioxi-
dant water while maintaining a neutral level of acid-base balance (pH level). The antioxidant
water with the neutral pH level is suitable for regular use in the composition of the usual die-
tary. Due to the similarity with the internal media of a human body such water is instantly
absorbed by the body and holistically restores it.