Operation of the device with the connection under the sink.
To start the operation of the device to the ball valve on the tee should be smoothly opened -see (Fig.
To turn on the device, turn the handle on the purified water supply tap to the “open” posi-
tion so that cold water starts to flow into the device
To turn off the device, the reverse action must be taken
Indication of the device.
The main indicator of the correct functioning of the EMERALD device
is the multifunctional LED integrated in the body of the device (see Fig.
17). Due to the presence of intelligent color indication of the LED, the user
can track all the most important parameters of the EMERALD device .
The multifunctional indicator allows one to evaluate:
The resource of the device, after which it is necessary to flush the de-
vice (see Section “MAINTENANCE OF THE DEVICE”);
The flushing process of the device, allowing the user to verify that all
stages of the device flushing are completed correctly;
Correct connection of the hydraulic and electrical connections of the
Turning the handle on the tap for supplying purified water to the
“open” position will turn on the device and turn on the light indication in
one of the color modes corresponding to the state of the device. A detailed description of the various
modes of light indication is presented in the section "Monitoring of operating parameters".
Fig. 17. Multifunctional
LED indicator of the device