a. Low feed in tariff
Colour notifications if you have a solar feed in tariff that is less than your electricity grid tariff.
“Use more power”
Pulsing green
You are currently generating
more energy than you are
using. Now is a good time to
use power.
The faster your
speed, the more solar power
you have available for use.
Solid green
Excellent. You are currently
maximising your solar usage.
“Use less power”
Pulsing red
You are using all your
solar generation and using
grid power.
The faster your
speed, the more grid power
you are consuming compared
to your solar power generation.
Solid red
Your solar panels are currently
not generating power.
“No solar generation”
No pulsing
Your solar panels are currently
not generating power.
b. High feed in tariff
Colour notifications if you have a solar feed in tariff that is more than your electricity grid tariff.
“You’re maximising
Pulsing green
Excellent. You are currently
exporting the majority of
your solar power generation,
maximising your solar revenue.
The slower your
pulse speed, the more solar
revenue you are earning.
“Use less power”
Pulsing red
You are currently exporting
only some of your solar
power. To maximise your
solar revenue, turn off
unessential appliances.
The slower your
speed, the more solar power
revenue you are earning.
Solid red
Your solar panels are currently
not generating power.
“No solar generation”
No pulsing
Your solar panels are currently
not generating power.
Goal 1: Maximise my solar investment
Maximise your solar investment by selecting this goal. Your Emberpulse® unit will provide
real-time notifications on how to maximise your energy savings and solar revenue
Emberpulse® will cross check your solar generation, energy consumption and tariff rates to
give a real-time recommendation on when to use more power or less power.
You don’t need to guess or constantly check graphs. Simply glance at your Emberpulse®
unit’s colour for power usage advice. Below are the Emberpulse® unit’s colour notifications
for solar systems with low feed in tariffs and high feed in tariffs.