iMX RT1052 OEM Developer’s Kit - User’s Guide
Page 21
Copyright 2018 © Embedded Artists AB
SP5: Push-buttons and LEDs
There are four push-buttons, as presented in the picture below. The reset push-button, SW3, can be
configured to control one of two different signals. via JP8.
Jumper in 1-2 position on JP8, controls signal RESET_IN, which results in a complete power
cycle of main 3.3V power supply. This is the default jumper position.
Jumper in 1-2 position on JP8, controls signal POR_B, which results in a so called warm reset
of the i.MX RT1052 MCU.
Figure 17 – Location of Push-buttons
There is also jumper to allow a specific signal (GPIO_B1_13) to control the watchdog input signal,
WDOG_B. This jumper is inserted by default.
Figure 18 –Location of Watchdog Control Jumper, J9
Wakeup push-button
Reset push-button
ON/OFF push-button
ISP Enable push-button
Watchdog Control
J9 inserted by default
Reset LED
Reset button Ctrl Selector
1-2 pos (lower): Reset button SW3 controls RESET_IN (default)
2-3 pos (upper): Reset button SW3 controls POR_B