Reduced flow rate
The flow drops below
15 l/min
The flow is weak despite the
unrestricted supply line
The pressure difference between the water supply line and the coun-
ter-pressure from the system is too low. Open the pressure reduction
valve again.
The fine sieve in the outlet (right side) of the cartridge is blocked.
Loosen screw, rinse out fine sieve and reattach.
Plastic - ring pressed in
Plastic - ring pressed in
Stainless steel sieve
Das Restwasser im
Harzbehälter und in den
Leitungskomponeten kann
gefrieren, dadurch können
die Komponenten bersten!
Drain sieve for residual water
Frost damage can be prevented whereby the residual water is blown
out of the resin container with the supplied drain sieve.
In order to change the resin, the drain sieve must be removed.
Drain sieve