Then, the P1 push-button pressure will confirm
the performed operation:
- with two sound flashings of the central bicolor
LED to indicate that the bistable mode is set up;
- with four sound flashing of the central bicolor
LED to indicate the time mode is set up;
Programming of Id reader device
This phase is to be carried out on DIGIBUS instal-
lations using the interface type 6952 and 6952/A
with the monitoring software.
Press simultaneously the P1 and P2 buttons, wait
for three short sounds flashings of central bicolor
LED and the switching on of central bicolor green
LED: with the green LED on, press P1 once and
wait for a sound flashings of the central bicolor
LED, press for a second time P1 and wait for a
sound flashings of the central bicolor LED, press
for a third time P1 and wait for a sound flashings
of the central bicolor LED, press a fourth time P1
and wait for the switching on of green bicolor
LED and the flashing of the red SMD LED to enter
the programming mode of Id reader device: by
means of P2 push-button choose the numeric
increase to be added to the basic fixed numera-
tion of the 8 digit reader (basic fixed numeration =
For instance: to memorize Id for the 9002 reader
press the P2 push- button twice.
After P1 push-button pressure, the reader will
confirm the operation with 8 sound flashings of
bicolor central LED to show the storing of Id rea-
der in the internal memory of the device.
Notes on the sound and visual signals:
1) the use of P2 push- button to modify the posi-
tion of programming or cancellation of a key in
memory, to modify the value of the start time
of internal relay of the reader or to modify
the id reader value is indicated by a short
red flashing of the central bicolor LED. After
ten flashings there is an acoustic signal.
2) in bistable activation mode of the internal
relay the state of activation of the relay coil is
shown by the simultaneous switching on of
the red SMD LED;