2. There are two Options for IP setup: obtain an IP address auto by DHCP protocol and use the following IP address, please
choose one of options for your requirements.
3. Use the following IP address: display the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS of the device.
4. PPPOE: Manual input the user name and password for dial-up internet.
Firstly, Login IE clients, enter user name and password of PPPoE, save the setting and exit. Secondly, set up IP address
change notice. Then the device will dial-up internet automatically.
5. Press the “Save” button to save the settings.
Chapter 6 Video Search
Click “Picture” icon and search the images which saved in the SD card.
1. Set time: Select date in the “calendar” and choose the start and end time.
2. Choose event “Motion” or “Sensor”.
3. Click “Search” button to search the picture.
4. Double click a filename or select a filename and then click “view” button in the list box to view captured pictures.