3 seconds until you hear 3 signal tones. The valve oper
ating mechanism is now ready to receive, “AC” is dis
3. Press the “PROG” key on the heating control to start
transmission of the heating control’s safety code to the
valve operating mechanism.
4. The valve operating mechanism acknowledges correct
reception of the code with a sequence of tones.
5. Replace the cover of the battery compartment.
6. The valve operating mechanism acknowledges the first
reception of a normal radio signal with an acoustic sig
Repeat these 6 steps for all other valve operating mecha
nisms in the room (“002”, “003”, etc. on the display) ac
cording to the number of valve operating mechanisms set
After encoding of all valve operating mechanisms is finished
the heating control automatically returns to the normal op
erating mode.
You may skip valve operating mechanisms which are al
ready synchronised/ programmed to the safety code of the
heating control.
For this purpose, just briefly press the “PROG” key on the
heating control (do not open the corresponding valve oper
ating mechanism/do not press the key on the valve operat
ing mechanism!)
f) Synchronising the valve operating mechanisms
After selection of this menu item the heating control starts
to transmit signals to all valve operating mechanisms for
about 2 minutes instructing them to newly sychronise them