3.11 Test the device
When the device under normal opera on status, you can test the
device by TEST/SILENCE bu on, PRESS and HOLD the
TEST/SILENCE bu on, you should hear alarm sound pa ern
(<85dB) and with a corresponding ALARM indicator (red) flash.
A er the eighth sound, the device will issuing a normal alarm
volume (≥85dB). Test process will stop when release the bu on.
The LCD displays all segments during tes ng.
: A er the TEST/SILENCE bu on is enabled, the alarm
sounds and the red alarm light flashes. This does not indicate
that CO is present.
: Test the device every year! If at any me your device does
not perform as described, replace it immediately.
3.12 Automa c brightness adjustment
Automa c brightness adjustment of POWER indicator (green). If
the ambient brightness is very low (night, indoor & lights off).
The flashing brightness of the POWER indicator (green) will be
reduced, so as to reduce the impact of the standby indicator light
on people.
This func on does not affect the brightness of the ALARM
indicator (red) and the FAULT indicator (yellow).
3.13 Weekly test
Recommend test the alarm weekly by pressing the TEST/SILENCE
bu on to ensure the normal opera on of the equipment.
3.14 Alarm memory
48 hours alarm memory func on. When the device detects CO
and alarms, when the device return to standby mode, and the
CO concentra on <20PPM, LCD displays "AL" and ALARM
indicator (red) flash per 40 seconds. A er press TEST/SILENCE
bu on or a er 48 hours, will reset the historical memory
func on and enter normal opera on status.
Actua on of your CO alarm indicates the presence of
Carbon Monoxide (CO) which can KILL YOU.
Keep calm and open all doors and windows to increase the
rate of ven la on. Stop using all fuel-burning appliances
and ensure, if possible, that they are turned off, e.g. for gas
appliances, isolate the emergency control valve;
If the alarm con nues to be ac vated, then evacuate the
premises. Leave the doors and windows open, and only
reenter the building when the alarm has stopped. In
mul occupancy and mul -storey premises, ensure that all
the occupants are alerted to the risk;
Get medical help for anyone suffering the effects of carbon
monoxide poisoning, and advise that carbon monoxide
inhala on is suspected;
Telephone the appropriate appliance servicing and/or
maintenance agency or, when necessary, the relevant fuel
supplier on their emergency number or the na onal Gas
Emergency Service Provider, if appropriate, so that the
source of carbon monoxide emissions can be iden fied and
corrected. Unless the reason for the alarm is obviously
spurious, do not use the fuel-burning appliances again, un l
they have been checked and cleared for use by a competent
person according to na onal regula ons.
Once chirps with corresponding FAULT indicator (yellow LED)
flashing once every 40 seconds indicates that the ba ery is low
ba ery, you must to replace with ba ery specified, please see
“8. Specifica on“ To install or replace the ba ery in unit, please
perform the following steps:
Take down the unit from screw heads of the wall.
Open ba ery compartment.
Remove the old ba eries, and replace by new ba eries.
Put the ba ery into the ba ery box.
Hook the alarm over the screw heads onto keyholes in back
of the unit.
Test alarm using the TEST/SILENCE bu on, if the tes ng
alarm is ok, means the product can work normally.
Use only the ba ery specified. Use of different
ba ery may have a detrimental effect on the CO alarm. A good
safety measure is to replace the ba ery at least once a year.
: Please replace new 2pcs same type ba eries in the
mean me.
: Test the alarm for correct opera on using the
TEST/SILENCE bu on, whenever the ba ery is replaced!
To keep your CO alarm in good working order, please follow
these simple steps:
Verify the unit's alarm sound and indicators opera on by
enable the TEST/SILENCE bu on once a week.
Remove the unit from the wall and clean the alarm cover
and vents with a so brush a achment once a month to
remove dust and dirt.
Never use detergents or other solvents to clean the unit.
Avoid spraying air fresheners, hair spray, or other aerosols
near the CO alarm.
Do not paint the unit. Paint will seal the vents and interfere
with the sensor's ability to detect CO. Never a empt to
disassemble the unit or clean inside. This ac on will void
your warranty.
As soon as possible, place the CO alarm back in its proper
loca on to assure con nuous protec on from carbon
monoxide poisoning.
When household cleaning supplies or similar contaminants
are used, the area should be ven lated.
The following substances can affect the sensor and
may cause false ac ons: methane, propane, isobutene,
isopropanol, ethylene, benzene, toluene, ethyl acetate, hydrogen
sulfide, sulfur dioxides, alcohol based products, paints, thinner,
Slide down to open ba ery compartment