Elproma Elektronika Sp. z o.o.
ul. Szymanowskiego 13
05-092 Łomianki k/Warszawy
Tel. +48 (22) 751 76 80
12. Python Script Interpreter
The Easy Script Extension is a feature that allows driving the modem internally,
writing the controlling application directly in the Python high level language. A typical
application usually consists of a microcontroller managing several I/O pins on the module
through the AT command interface.
The Easy Script Extension functionality lets the developer to get rid of the external
controller and further simplify the programmed sequence of operations. The equipped
Python version features the following:
Python script interpreter engine v.1.5.2+
1 MB (2 MB in versions up to 10.0x.xx5) of Non Volatile Memory space for
user scripts and data
1.2 MB RAM reserved for the Python engine
The following depicts a schematic of this approach:
To use Python language features on Telit module use PythonWin. It is an Python
editor for Windows. In order for the software to function correctly, it is required the use of
either Windows 2000 or XP as operating systems.
PythonWin can be found here
Python scripts are text files stored in Telit module NVM (Non Volatile Memory). There
is a file system inside the module that allows to write and read files with different names on
one single level (no subdirectories are supported)