105 Radio/Serial Telemetry Module
User Manual
March 2000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Input signals may now be connected to the input terminals of the module. If the module is operating
correctly, then the input signals will be reflected to the corresponding output on the same module.
For example, if DI 1 is connected to common - i.e. the first digital input is turned "ON" - then DO 1
will activate, if the module is functional. Similarly, if a 12mA signal is connected to AI 2, then a
12mA signal should be able to be measured from AO 2, if the module is functioning correctly.
If a module does not pass its self test function, then it should be returned to an authorised
service agent for attention
Radio Testing using Tone Reversals
This function allows the unit to be configured to continuously transmit a sequence of alternate zeros
and ones on the radio. This function provides the facility to check VSWR of aerials during
installation, as well as checking the fade margin of the path between two units (see below - received
signal strength indication).
The tone reversals function is initiated by setting all of the DIL switches to ON, and holding down
the red button for approximately 5 seconds( until the RX LED lights continuously). On releasing the
button, the RX LED will flash continuously, and the TX LED will light, indicating that the radio
transmitter is on.
Diagnostics menu
To aid in the checking and set-up of the 105 unit, a user friendly menu provides access to diagnostic
functions in the 105. Use of the diagnostics menu does not affect module configuration. To access
these diagnostics, a terminal must be connected to the serial port on the unit. The terminal may be a
standalone terminal, or a personal computer running terminal emulation software.
The terminal or terminal emulation software must be set-up for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no
The menu is accessed by connecting a terminal to the serial (DB9 RS-232) port on the 105 (ensure
the RS485 port is disconnected), setting all switches to ‘0’, and holding down the red button for
approximately 5 seconds, until the RX LED lights continuously. One of the following menus will be
displayed on the terminal :