Appendix A
Hayes Commands
February 2005
bit) encryption.
Wireless Fidelity: An interoperability certification for wireless local area
network (LAN) products based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 standard.
Ad-Hoc Mode A client setting that provides independent peer-to-peer connectivity in a
wireless LAN. Also see Infrastructure Mode.
AH Authentication Header. A field that follows the IP header in an IP datagram and
provides authentication and integrity checking for the datagram.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol.
BER Bit Error Rate.
BPS Bits Per Second.
CCP Compression Control Protocol. Used to negotiate compression methods over PPP links.
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance. CSMA/CA is the medium
access method used by IEEE 802.11 WLANs.
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
DES Data Encryption Standard. A cryptographic algorithm for protecting data.