This section describes the installation step by step. It is of utmost importance that all steps are carried out correctly and
completely. Incorrect or improper connection can lead to malfunctions or to damage and/or destruction of the electronics,
the installed components or the model! Contact the service department of your dealer if you have any questions about
installation which are not answered by this manual.
Power supply
ElMod Fusion Puma
can be used with batteries up to 10V. It has a deep discharge protection and an overvoltage
protection function. For correct function of the protection the battery type has to be set in the
ElMod App
according to the
actual battery. For further details see section "Battery Protection".
Connect the battery to the battery plug. Connect the red cable to the "+" terminal and the black cable to the "-" terminal
of the battery. ATTENTION! Mixing up the connections leads to destruction of the electronics!
Keep the cable length as short as possible. This helps to avoid interference!
If any other battery type as listed is used, a proper function cannot be guaranteed. The warranty is void if higher voltage
than allowed is used!
Drive motor (integrated driver)
The maximum short-term current consumption of the motor is limited to 30 A. The maximum permanent current load is
10A. The motor driver is protected against short circuit and overload. Brushless motors and motors with a particularly high
current consumption can optionally be operated via a standard external controller (see section "Connection of the drive
motors (external drivers)"). A mixed operation is not possible.
Solder the motor to the yellow and blue wires.
Which cable (+/- of the motor) is connected in which of the two motor terminals is irrelevant. The electronics recognizes
this by the "setup process" described below.
Keep the cable length as short as possible. This helps to avoid interferences. As additional interference protection, the
motor cables can be twisted.
Proceed as follows to check the correct connection of the motor and to setup the electronics:
Make sure that the vehicle’s wheels can rotate freely and that the model cannot drive off uncontrolled.
Connect a full battery to the electronics and switch on the power supply.
Wait 3 to 4 seconds until the blue LED starts blinking regularly.
Press and hold the setup button, the motor will start moving.
Keep pressing and holding the button. The motor changes the direction of rotation every few seconds.
Release the button when the wheels rotate forwards.
The drive motor is now correctly configured and ready for use.
Drive motors (external drivers)
A standard ESC can be connected directly to the
ElMod Fusion Puma
. The operating mode (internal/external driver) must
be set via the
ElMod App
(Tab "Drive", Parameter "Motor driver" set to "external"). Mixed operation of internal and external
controllers is not possible. The external controller is connected to the
connector 4
. The ground connection (brown wire) of
the controller points to the right.
Smoke generator
The smoke generator is connected to the
connector 10
If your smoking unit has only one connection, attach it to the terminals marked "Fan"
(left connection).
if your smoking unit has a separate connection for the heater and the fan, attach them
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