Off the shelf, MP3040 and MP3100 control panels have a default configuration compatible with EN50131
certification grade 2.
Two different programming modes are provided on the integrated web server, namely a STANDARD
mode, allowing action on every single system parameter with the MP Control configurator, and an EASY
mode, to put the system into service with a typical configuration with the help of the eMPi virtual assi-
stant in a few simple steps.
The web server can be accessed in different ways:
Local access with direct PC connection via USB cable connected to the USB-B port of the control
panel. In this case, the USB port appears as a virtual network board with
access via connection from PC or other device equipped with network connection and brow-
ser, with direct network cable or PC connected to the same local network as the control panel.
The default configuration of the LAN port is DHCP enabled. If the control panel is connected to
a local network without a DHCP server or directly to the PC, the DHCP can be disabled and the
static IP can be set on the keypad after entering the installer code followed by MENU, select CON-
NECTIVITY, DHCP and the following items. Check that ETHERNET is enabled. The local address
assigned by the DHCP server can be checked under CONNECTIVITY STATUS), or from a PC via
direct connection with a USB cable (on the CONFIGURATION page, Control Panel, Connectivity.
The IP address can be found on the access page of the configurator. When the control panel is in
maintenance status (DIP1=ON), it can also be reached via the static IP
• Local
access via WIFI connection, if the IT3000-WIFI interface is present. In this case, the WiFi
board must be configured by enabling it and indicating the SSID and Password for the connection.
Again, the default address
with DHCP disabled, or enable DHCP can be
access via the Elkron Cloud portal (https://www.cloud.elkron.com/webinstaller) or Elkron
Connect App, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Play Store for the Android version
or App Store for the iOS version. To use remote access, the installer must be registered on the
Elkron website with access to the cloud services and have associated the control panel using the
UID shown on the CPU board label.
Use a compatible browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera) to connect to the web server.
Internet Explorer is
not compatible
Communication with the web server is always in secure mode (https).
If you receive the message “The connection is not private” the first time you access the control panel,
click on
and then
Go to
In all cases, access to the configuration is allowed when the system is not on, using the installer code
with explicit authorisation from the Master user. When the control panel in maintenance mode (DI-
P1=ON), access with installer code is possible even when the system is on and without authorisation
from the Master user.
The default installer code is
and is set to “
The local or remote connection to
MP Control
, in addition to configuring the control panel, can be used
to monitor the status of the system, checking the status of the inputs, outputs, programmed functions,
bus functionality and the devices connected to it.
A complete installation and configuration guide for MP3000 control panels is available at www.elkron.com.