5132, 5133, 5134, 5135, 5136, 5137 02-60/2016 rev.:4
LARA Radio
ELKO EP, s.r.o. | Palackého 493 | 769 01 Holešov, Všetuly | Czech Republic | e-mail: elko@elkoep.com | Support: +420 778 427 366
Configuring the device LARA Radio
Confi guring the LARA network music player is performed using the software („SW“) LARA Confi gurator via Ethernet connection.
SW enables setting the basic network parameters, a change in login data, update of fi rmware („FW“) of the device, and editing the list of web radios.
Start the LARA Configurator on the PC, which is signed in to the same network as LARA Radio. Then
click on:
Administrator login: In the login window dialog box, enter the set administrator login data. The
factory settings of this data are the user: „admin“ and the password: „elkoep“. If the entered data is
invalid, it will not possible to continue in reading the LARA Radio device settings.
LAN parameters: The IP address of the connected LARA Radio device must be entered in the dialog
window. IP address of the connected device can also be obtained by using the function „Search device“.
In a few seconds, the function „Search device“ searches for all connected LARA devices in the network.
In the dialog window „Searching for device in the LAN network“, a list of all discovered devices is displayed.
By marking the required device and consequent pressing of the button „Select“, the confi gurator is ready
to read the settings of the device with the selected IP address.
About the device: The window „About the device“ indicates the connection status, login and version
of SW and HW in the LARA Radio device. The connection status is not dependent on successful
login. The „Connected!“ status occurs under the condition of a correct network connection, login
„Successful!“ occurs after login data is correctly entered.
About the device: Information about the device and program including hypertext links to the
product manual and catalog list.
Read settings: The button „Read settings“ serves to read all settings stored in the device LARA Radio.
Reading occurs only in the event of successful connection and login.
Save settings: The button „Save settings“ is used to save the complete settings stored to the LARA
Remote control: By using the remote control in the LARA Confi gurator program, you can simply and
quickly check the function of your confi gured device.
Confi guring the device LARA Radio using SW LARA Confi gurator:
The confi guration SW can be freely downloaded from the website http://www.elkoep.
Using the confi guration SW (LARA Confi gurator), you can:
- set the login data
- set the network connection parameters
- set the parameters for automatic synchronization of time
- edit the Internet radios list
- set the IMM audio zone parameters
- update FW of the LARA Radio device
- remotely control the LARA Radio device
The confi guration SW communicates with the LARA Radio device by means of the
Ethernet network. This SW can be run simply without installation in operating systems
Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. A condition to running
the application is support of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or its possible installation.
Device settings / Network settings
Administrator login: To change the login data, enter the new login name and password into the
text fi elds. You must confi rm the password.
LAN parameters: To change network connection parameters, select the option „DHCP“ (automatic
assignment of an IP address by the DHCP server) or „Static IP address“. If you want to use the device
Intercom, you have to have a static IP address set.
- To change the network connection parameters of the LARA device, enter in the text fi elds the new IP
address, subnet mask and Epsnet port.
- IP address - Enter a new device IP address in decimal format separated by periods (default setting:
- Subnet mask: Default value
- Firewall: Local network fi rewall settings.
Port: use the factory preset port 61695. In case of problems with the fi rewall, we recommend choosing
ports in a range of 49152 to 65535.
Date and time: The IP address of the time server is factory preset.
- SNTP server: If needed, enter the IP address of another time server supporting the SNTP protocol.
(addresses of SNTP servers can be copied from http://www.timetools.co.uk/2013/07/25/ntp-server-uk/)
- Time zone: Select the time zone in the place of installation of the LARA Radio device for correct
display of time.
- You can switch from winter to summer time using the control element „Summer time“