Elkay easyDALi 374-DREM Instruction Data Download Page 3

- Button 4

  - reverts to 

manual lux control 

on the Elkay DALI PIR. The potentiometer marked is 





the lux pot located underneath


the bezel fascia.

- Button 3

  - starts the 

‘Updates all discovered luminaires with Scenes‘


- Button 2

  - starts the 

‘Find pre-addressed luminaires or address new uncommitted luminaires‘


- Button 1

  - starts the 

‘Add group to pre-addressed luminaires‘




Minimum Arc Power Adjustment

 - the brightness up and down buttons set the minimum illumination level the Elkay    

DALI PIR will allow. When in Installer Option the first press of the up or down buttons turns the luminaires on at the currently set 
minimum brightness. Subsequent presses will increase or decrease the stored value.   
Some luminaires such as fluorescents cannot go below a fixed illumination point so setting the minimum below this will slow the 
response of the harvester at low illumination levels. This level should be set so it is just perceptible the illumination is starting to 
increase on all luminaires.

E.  Override off button

 - When pushed in Installer Mode the luminaires will stay off even after a power failure or until the 

override off button is pressed once more. While in override off the signal LED on the Elkay DALI PIR will flash white. Only Elkay 
DALI PIRs that have been turned to off or hibernate (signal LED flashing white) will accept installer commands.


Walk test can be used to test and setup the Elkay easyDALi PIR sensitivity by moving in & out of the PIRs detection range. 
The signal LED on the PIR  indicates presence by flashing blue and can be used as a basic walk test. During walk test 
detection the luminaires will be illuminated to full brightness then after 10 seconds with no presence detected the luminaires will 
dim but not go off. 

To put the Elkay DALI PIR into luminaire walk test:

  You must turn lights OFF using the remote first to operate and program in this mode. To do this, point the remote control at  


the Elkay easyDALi PIR & press the override off button. While in override off the Elkay easyDALi PIR LED flashes white.  


  Set the remote control to installer mode by pressing the hidden installer button inside the battery compartment, the remote  


control LED illuminates red.


  Point the remote control at the Elkay DALI PIR & press the ‘Set‘ button, this will initiate luminaire walk test mode. 


  The LED on the Elkay DALI PIR will be illuminated blue while presence is detected and the luminaires will be set to full   


brightness. The PIR w also flash red and green to indicate Walk test mode is initiated.


  Leaving the Elkay DALi PIR detection zone for more than 10 seconds is indicated by the luminaires being dimmed & the  


LED being extinguished.

Walk test mode will be exited after 10 minutes or by pointing the remote at the Elkay DALI PIR and pressing any remote  
control button. When the walk test is completed point the remote at the Elkay DALI PIR & press the override off button to return  
to normal. The remote control will automatically exit install mode after approximately 2 minutes from the last button press or 
can be taken out of installer mode immediately by re-pressing the hidden installer button. 
