Eli User Guide
The menu options in detail
In this section you can change your password and log out of my.trusteli.com.
Click on General.
You are now in the General section of your configuration settings.
To log out, click on Logout. You will be automatically logged out of my.trusteli.com.
To change your password, click on Profile.
Enter your new password, and retype it. Click on Save.
Your password has been changed to your new password.
In this section you can configure your Wireless LAN (WLAN) options and set up a secure
connection to another Eli over the Internet by creating a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Click on Router in the menu on the left. The menu will expand to show the following options:
WLAN-Settings and VPN-Settings.
You are now in the router configuration section of your configuration settings.
To configure your Wireless LAN settings, click on WLAN in the menu on the left. The following
screen appears:
To activate your WLAN, check the checkbox Activate Wireless Network.
16 March 2005