T: 02-23023149
6.21. Voice Monitor
The command to switch between Track and Monitor mode are “tracker” and “monitor”.
The default mode is “track” (Track mode).
Send SMS “password” to the unit, and it will reply“monitor ok!” and switch to
“monitor” mode.
Send SMS “password” to the unit, it will reply “tracker ok!” and restore to “track” mode.
Data logging
Auto logging:
When the tracker devices lost GSM signals or fall offline from GPRS, tracker
will store the tracking position and alerts automatically upon the pre-set condition, when GSM
signals get back, all the event alerts will be auto-sent to the authorized numbers or monitoring
platform (server), but the stored tracking data should be loaded to the monitoring platform via
SMS command.
Storage upon times: Send SMS: “save0password” to the tracker unit, it will reply “save
ok”, and will store the lat, long locations every 30 seconds for 5 times. (S: second, m: minute; h:
Unlimited storage
Send sms:”save030s***n+ password” to tracker device, it will reply “save
Storage Clearance: Send SMS: “clear+ password” to tracker device, it will reply “clear ok”.
Storage Volume: It depends on the capacity of the SD card inserted in the tracker device.
The stored data in SD card can be copied to computers through card reader, and then the data
route can be checked by importing data in the menu “Data Import” of web platform
6.23. Data Load
Current date Load: Send SMS: “load+ password” to tracker device, it will reply: “load ok” if the
device is working well under GPRS mode; if not, it will reply “load fail! Please check gprs” that
means device does not work under GPRS mode. Data can only be load to monitor platform via
Specified date Load
Send SMS: “load+ p space+ year month date” to tracker device,
it will reply: “load ok” and load the tracking data to the monitoring platform upon the valid time
you choose. For Example: send SMS: “load123456 20110425” to the tracker device, means to
load the tracking data of 25th April 2011 to monitoring platform.