EMS 2488
Congratulations on the purchase
of your new microwave oven
Thank you for having chosen an Electrolux product.
We are convinced that you will find your new microwave oven
very useful and that it will be of great help to you.
As with all new kitchen appliances, it will take some time
to learn all the new functions and features,
but with time, this oven will become indispensable to you.
In order that you can get the best from your new Electrolux
microwave oven, the following instructions have been prepared.
Please make sure you read them carefully. It is important
that this instruction book is retained with the appliance
for future reference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred
to another owner, or if you move house and leave the appliance,
always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance.
Microwave cooking provides true innova-
tion for the culinary arts. Combining rapi-
dity and ease of use, it enhances flavours
and aromas all the while keeping the
appearance and nutritive qualities intact.
Your microwave oven will complement
your other kitchen appliances. It cooks,
reheats and defrosts quick as a wink,
affording you considerable time and energy
The microwaves used for cooking are
electromagnetic waves. They exist in our
environment as do radioelectric waves,
light, and infrared rays.They are reflected
by metals.They pass through all other
materials. They are absorbed by water,
sugar and fat molecules.
When food is exposed to microwaves
there follows a vibration of the molecules,
which in turn produces heat.
The depth of penetration of the waves into
food is about 2.5 cm. If the food is thicker
the centre is cooked by normal conduction
of heat.
It is worth noting that the microwaves pro-
duce a simple heat reaction inside food
and are not at all harmful to your health.
Due to the nature of microwave cooking,
foods rich in water, sugar or fat require
less cooktime and yield the best results.