Test 1:
Test 2:
Test 3:
Test 4:
Test 5:
Yes. Go to step (4).
No. Go to step (2)
No. Turn water faucets on.
Yes. Go to step (3).
No. Have customer correct pressure
Yes. Check for kinked or blocked
incoming water hoses, clean
the incoming water screens. If
problem still remains, replace the
water inlet valve assembly.
Yes. Go to step (5).
No. Go to step (6)
Yes. Go to step (6)
No. Replace the inlet valve assembly.
Pressure switch checks good.
Go to step (8).
Pressure switch checks bad. Replace
pressure switch.
If this did not correct the problem, go to
step 8.
Yes. Correct water leak.
No. Go to step (2)
Yes. Correct the air leak problem.
No. Go to step (3-4)
Open/shorted. Replace the pressure
Good. Go to step (5)
If this did not correct the problem, go to
step 5.
No. Close the drawer.
Yes. Go to step (2).
Magnet missing. Replace the magnet.
Magnet good. Go to step (3).
Open/shorted. Replace the reed switch.
Good. Replace the control board.
Restriction. Correct problem.
No restriction. Go to step (2).
Zero. Replace the control board.
120 VAC. Remove the pump and check
for blockage. If blocked, remove the
restriction, if not, replace the pump.
Open/shorted wiring. Correct wiring.
Good wiring. Replace the pressure
sensor. If this does not correct the
problem, replace the control board.
1. Is the incoming water flow normal?
2. Are the incoming water faucets turned on?
3. Is the incoming water pressure above (30) psi.
4. Does the fill water continue enter the washer?
5. Remove power from the washer. Did the water fill
6. Good models, check the pressure switch.
7. Better models, replace the pressure sensor.
8. Replace the control board.
1. Is the washer leaking water?
2. Is there an air leak in the air bell system?
3. Good models, check the pressure switch.
4. Better models, replace the pressure sensor.
5. Replace the control board.
1. Is the dispenser drawer closed?
2. Remove the drawer and check the magnet.
3. Open the console and check the reed switch.
1. Check the drain hose for restrictions.
2. Start the washer and check for 120 VAC at the
drain pump.
Inspect the wiring between the pressure sensor and
the control board.