User manual
This menu is mainly used for trouble shooting and functional tests.
• It is possible to turn on/off outputs and also to check the status of inputs.
• The drum motor can be ordered to run at a desired speed and direction.
• Some tests can only be performed if certain conditions are met.
– To be able to turn on heat, there must be enough water in the drum to cover the heating elements.
– To be able to run the motor, the door must be locked.
– Other outputs, like for example water valves, can be turned on if the door is not locked but the loads will not get
any power if the door is not locked. Use the electrical schematic for more information.
• There are two error logs/counters:
– Error logs: The 20 last occurred errors are shown.
– Error counters: Shows how many times each error has occurred.
• Reset paid coins
This command will clear the paid unused coins shown in the upper left corner of the display.