User manual
Action and speed settings
Select drum rotation action during the different steps from the drop down list with predefined and tested rotation and standing
still times.
Select drum speed during the different steps. The value is set between 0–1.00G.
For action and speed settings, please refer to section
Dosing of chemicals
For each of the chemicals the following can be set:
• At temperature
Set if the dosing of the selected chemical should start before or after the dosing temperature that is set in header mod-
ule is reached.
• Load
– Set the amount of chemical(s) that shall be dosed in the step/module. The amount is set in ml/kg of load. The same
dosage amount per kg load gives different dosing times depending on how much load there is in the machine and not de-
pending of the machine capacity.
The amount of chemicals will however never be less than the % in the settings “Min. chemical dosing” even if the weight
of the load is very small.
Example: Min. chemical dosing: 30%, weight of the load is 20% of machine capacity. Dosing will be according to 30% of
machine capacity.
If the program does not have a weighing module the dosing will be according to the machines max. load.
Flushing in detergent box compartments
Select which compartment(s) in the detergent box that shall be flushed in the module. The front mounted box has 6 compart-
ments but 1a and 1b are flushed in parallel and this also applies to 2a and 2b. The top mounted box has 4 compartments.
In factory made programs the compartments are used like below:
• 1, 1b, 1a = Pre wash
• 2, 2b, 2a = Main wash
• 3 = Last rinse
• 4 = Main wash (pre wash/first rinse/last rinse)
Tip: If liquid bleach chemicals that become aggressive in high temperatures are used it is recommended to flush
compartment 4 in a program step with lower wash temperature for instance the first rinse.
Cool down module
A controlled cool down is necessary to avoid permanent wrinkles when washing synthetic materials in a temperature above
their glass-transition temperatures (Tg).
Cool down can also be used to avoid too hot water to be drained.
End temperature: Set the desired temperature that the water should reach.
Max temperature decrease: Set how fast the temperature decrease is allowed to be.
Action and speed during cool down.