PR (16) Security Password
User can lock variables. Making PR (15) different from PR (16) will lock
the variables and make PR (16) unviewable. It is important to remember
the number entered in PR (16).
PR (17) Cal: PIN
To advance past this point when going through the menu this PIN must
match the password. This will make the Cal variables accessible.
PR (18) CAL: Password
User can update variables 10-22 if the Cal pin matches the Cal password.
Making PR (17) different from PR (18) will lock the calibration variables
and make PR (18) unviewable. It is important to remember the number
entered in PR (18).
PR (19) CAL: Voltage offset value
Setting that allows the user to adjust the Voltage offset to obtain greater
Not implemented yet
PR (20) CAL: Voltage gain value
Setting that allows the user to adjust the Voltage gain to obtain greater
Not implemented yet
PR (21) Cal: Current offset value (4.000mA)
Setting PR21 allows the user to adjust the current offset to obtain greater
accuracy. The adjustment value is approximately 366nA (0.000366uA)
of deviation up or down per single count of change. Example
of changing this from 1000 to 980 results in the analog decreasing. It
will decrease (20 *0.000366uA) or -0.00732uA. When done after the
initial warm up of the unit, about 15 minutes, it can dramatically increase
the accuracy of the unit.
PR (22) Cal: Current gain value (20.000mA)
Setting Pr22 allows the user to adjust the current gain value to obtain
greater accuracy. The adjustment value is approximately 366nA
(0.000366uA) of deviation up or down per single count of change.
Example: Changing this value from 1000 to 1010 will result in the
analog output increasing. It will increase (10 * 0.000366uA) or
0.00366uA. When done after the initial warm up of the unit, about 15
minutes, it can dramatically increase the accuracy of the unit.
*Users can program the analog to go up or down as the frequency
increases by swapping the lower setpoint [PR (01)] with their upper
setpoint [PR (00)].
**Reverse numbers are represented by a flashing “rate” icon and cannot
be programmed until PR (07) is set for quadrature operation.
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990-001700 Revision I