02/22/2012 18
Hydronic Zone Pumps or Valves: Mode B
The application for mode B is water to water geothermal heat pump and fossil fuel furnace (backup). Therefore
when the system is operating in standby (fossil fuel furnace), all zone pumps or valves are disabled due to the
fact that no water is actively be heated.
Circulating Zone Pump Exerciser
To reduce the chance of the circulating zone pumps seizing due to long periods of inactivity (summer time), the
circulating pumps will run for 30 seconds if they have not been run in the last seven days.
Special Notes in Regards to Modes:
Mode A Special Notes:
Mode A application is designed for heat pump only systems where no other form of system heating exists (fossil
fuel furnace or auxiliary boiler). Therefore there is no function as it relates to interruptible rates from the power
company (LMC) in the heating mode (no stand-by source). Cooling mode interrupt functions as detailed in this
Additional notes:
SW OVER dial is not used and should be set to (0).
All other dials are applicable in this setup and should be set accordingly as per described in the manual
Mode B Special notes
Mode B application is heat pump in conjunction with a back up or standby
forced air
fossil fuel furnace.
Therefore, when in stand-by mode there is no means of heating the space via the hydronic heating. It is assumed
in the engineering of this device that forced air would be the predominant means of heating in the space in this
application due to no hydronic heating ability in standby mode. Special care must be taken with this concept in
design with regards to standby operation.
Example: It must be realized that when the SW OVER dial is “set” in this mode, there will be no hydronic
heating below set balance point. The same is true for power company interrupt rates as well as front over ride
Additional Notes:
All dials are applicable in this setup and should be set accordingly as per described in the manual
No SOT to fossil fuel exists within this controller
Mode C Special Notes:
Mode C application is heat pump in conjunction with an auxiliary boiler. Therefore when in stand-by mode both
hydronic heating and forced air heating is taken care of by the auxiliary boiler, buffer tank and buffer tank
controller combination.
In Mode C the auxiliary boiler could be an electric boiler backup (Electro Industries Boiler) or a fossil fuel
boiler. This should be noted in applications that include power company interruptible rates. This is because the
logic within the Buffer Tank Controller can not distinguish between the two boilers (gas vs. electric) and
therefore simply sends out a heat demand signal (W) upon demand from hydronic zones or forced air loop. If it
is desired to include an electric boiler in this type of application, the installing contractor must devise a means of
controlling both the electric boiler and the Buffer Tank Controller (SPDT relay).
Additional Notes:
All dials are applicable in this setup and should be set accordingly as per described in the manual
No SOT to auxiliary boiler exists within this controller