English 26
1. Outdoor unit
2. Terminal block
3. Connecting cable
between units
4. Indoor unit
5. Control display
6. Wireless remote
7. Wired remote control
8. Power supply
9. Two - wire control
10. Safety switch in
outdoor unit, water
protected (installed
by an electrician)
11. Safety switch in
indoor unit 10A
Fig. 31. Electrical wiring diagram - three-phase unit
10. Remote
Installation instructions for the remote control are supplied with the remote control.
In case off wireless remote control, locate it so that it will be in line sight with the control
display (at less than 10 m).
In each case when the user wants to operate the air-conditioner, by using the remote
control sensor (in operation modes of LOCAL, I FEEL), the remote control unit must be
positioned in a place that will reflect the average temperature in the air-conditioned area
or in the user’s proximity. In no case the remote control must be positioned within the
direct airflow that exits from the grilles.
11. Tests upon completing installation
A. Return all caps and covers to their places and make sure that they are tightly closed.
B. Seal off all cracks and crevices on the tube sides and bore holes.
C. Connect the electrical wires and the tubes to the walls, by means of the brackets. See
instructions in paragraph 9.
D. Check the air-conditioner for all aspects and modes of operation. If necessary, consult
the user manual.