(RIT On/Off)
SET/RESP format:
RTn; where n is 0 (off) or 1 (on).
TOGGLE format:
RT$/; turns RIT on if it was off and vice-versa.
(RIT Up; SET only) [Pending]
SET/RESP format:
(Firmware Revisions; GET only) [Pending]
(Go to Receive Mode; SET only)
SET format:
(Sub RX)
SET/RESP format:
SBn; where n is 0 (sub RX off) or 1 (on).
TOGGLE format:
SB/; turns the sub RX on if it was off and vice-versa.
As on the K3, the K4's Sub RX feature allows the user to listen on both VFO A and B
frequencies at the same time. On the K3 you need a KRX3 for this purpose. But on the
K4, single-antenna sub RX (dual watch) is a standard feature. Adding a KRX4 provides
independent dual-receive (separate antennas and BPFs for main/sub).
(Screen Count; count of attached monitors)
SET/RESP format:
SCn; where n is 1 (LCD only) or 2 (LCD plus external monitor).
(VOX or QSK Delay)
SET/RESP format:
SDxyzzz; where
x is 1 to turn on full CW QSK (delay = 0), or 0 to use specified QSK delay
y is mode for delay-setting purposes (C=CW & direct data, V=voice, D=AF data)
z is delay in 10-ms increments (000-255 = 0.00 to 2.55 seconds)
TOGGLE format:
SD/; turns VOX or QSK delay on if it was off and vice-versa.
K3 and KX version of SD is GET-only, applied only to CW mode, and used 50-ms