Valid for firmware revision 1.00 and above
CIM-130&136-KLRV MAN - EN – p.
17 of 16
Other types of SMS will not be accepted.
Possibility to restore all the intervened protection devices and the general alarm.
To restore all the protections
of the engine of the pump, key in
RESET on the mobile phone.
Reply message from control unit to mobile phone:
“reset command carried out”
It is possible to carry out the commands of all the mobile phones programmed in the control unit by keying in the code
on the mobile. Before beginning the starting process, a buzzer is activated for 8 seconds, and after a 3-second pause the
starting process begins..
The code
START or the code 008 or ON
After the START command
the screen displays:
Reply message from control
unit to mobile phone:
The motor pump
has started.
The code
STOP or the code 005 or OFF
After the STOP command,
the screen display:
Reply message from control
unit to mobile phone:
The motor pump
has stopped.
The fuel fault depends on any change in the fuel level in the motor pump tank when the engine is stopped. The check-
up is enabled after receiving the text message “PROT ON” (or “040”) and after the engine has been switched off for 5
minutes. A negative change in the fuel level generates the fault which is signalled by the activation of the alarm output
and the sending of a “FUEL FAULT” text message. The fault is triggered if the percentage drops by 10% when the level is
between 100% and 80%, whereas it must drop by 5% if the level is between 79% and 1%. The fault is delayed by 5
seconds and is stored. The fault threshold is updated by resetting the fault itself and after 5 minutes are up. When the
tank is topped up, the threshold is automatically updated. A further text message (“OFF Status”) is sent when the
operator switches the control unit OFF.
The check-up is disabled by sending the text message “PROT OFF” (or “041”) or by disconnecting the battery supply from
the control unit.