I02-121 User manual & maintenance guide
Version 02
(translation of the original manual)
of TLM 2000
sur 41
Safety instructions
Safety rules regarding transfer systems, especially the ones concerning the electrical
devices, must be followed during all the use phases: mounting, transport, production.
Disregarding these rules would be regarded as a wrong use of the machine.
Using the transfer system in an explosive atmosphere can have a negative impact on
the transfer system and is strongly discouraged.
Never perform any maintenance on your own. Another worker must be present at all
time in order to shut the power down or perform first aid actions if needed.
Changing the motor position or removing security parts must only be done when the
transfer system is unplugged from any power supply.
When carrying maintenance or handling tasks while the transfer system is operating
(belt tension setting), take care not to slide your hand between the belt and the belt
support in order to avoid any accident.
All the different types of positioning units include several mobile parts driven by
pneumatic cylinders. Therefore, they must be well protected in the end-user
machine in order to avoid any risks of pinching or squashing. We recommend
mounting a protective housing around it. In case of manual shift, the final machine
can not be used without the protections installed at the indexing and stop station
Safety instructions regarding the motor
In case of a power failure, turn off the transfer system: it could restart automatically
when the power comes back, which could cause damages and even injuries to the
Additional information
These instructions aim at ensuring the safety of the people and the proper functioning of the
transfer system. If you wish to use the transfer system in any other conditions, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Other information is available on our website, in the documentation section.