Starting the BCS, Etamatic, VMS/FMS Electronic
Compound Controller
Starting the electronic compound
For starting the electronic ratio control-
ler make sure to proceed as described
in the operating instructions.
Only duly qualified personnel must be
employed for starting the controller.
For the initial operation make a check
that the controller settings are in line
with the furnace system requirements.
The configuration of the compound con-
troller is shown on the sticker attached
to the housing side wall.
Functional test without burner start
After the electronic compound controller
has been connected electrically pro-
ceed with adjusting the potentiometers
of the actuators. Start the fan for
checking the feedback of the fan speed
(press the fan contactor).
As soon as the potentiometer feedback
data have been properly set proceed
with programming the compound con-
troller. An exact description of the pro-
gramming procedure can be found in
the operation manual supplied with the
compound controller.
The start-up manual of the compound
controller contains information on
trouble signals, detailed instructions for
start-up and for programming the con-