Factory Default - resets your transmitter unit back to factory settings. The IP address will revert to:
Reboot - reboots the transmitter unit
Set EDID - as per page 16, allows you to fix the EDID value for each Transmitter (source) , click Apply to save new settings
Console API Command - please use the EL-4KPM-VIP-CTRL to provide API commands to this unit
Output - this section is the feedback from the API command above - please use the EL-4KPM-VIP-CTRL for feedback routing
Network - details information about the connection status of the unit you are communicating directly with (unit ID, IP address,
subnet, gateway, MAC address, casting mode (Video Over IP / Unicast), link status and link mode). Changes to the units IP
address details can only be viewed from this section, please refer to the Network tab to amend the IP structure of the unit
Video - this is the EDID response from the piece of equipment you are connected to. Not required.