temperature indication will blink.
6.4 External temperature sensor
Instead of the unit built-in sensor, it is possible to use an ex-
ternal temperature sensor with radio transmitter (MDTEMP).
Once installed and learnt, the wireless temperature sensor
will replace the built-in sensor for all functions.
By default, the temperature detected by the built-in sensor
is still displayed with smaller numbers next to the external
sensor temperature.
The two indications can be inverted and the display of the
built-in temperature detector can be disabled.
Once the detector has been learnt, its supervision is auto-
matically enabled with 12-hour intervals (fixed value).
If the detector does not communicate with the unit for 12
hours the message
will start blinking on the display; if
the detector controls a boiler, the boiler will be switched off.
The temperature detector sends data any 15 minutes or
when a temperature value changes; the minimum interval
between data transmissions is 3 minutes.
The external detector can be calibrated only through the
built-in keypad.
Remote interrogation commands are available to notify the
two temperature values via SMS.
HERCOLA series units feature Chronothermostat function
for boilers control.
The working mode can be daily or weekly based.
7.1 Chronothermostat interface
If chronothermostat function has been activated via soft-
ware it will be possible to see its interface on unit display.
To switch from intrusion to chronothermostat interface.
– Press
– Press
– Press
The control unit can be set to display chronothermostat in-
terface in activity.
To go back to intrusion interface:
– Press
– Press
1, 2, 3 or 4
according to relevant area
– Press
Boiler ON icon (blinking when boiler is blocked)
Time intervals
temporary temperature change (arrow UP: increase; arrow
DOWN: decrease)
The display shows current day schedule.
In columns are represented different time intervals.
A small black square represents which temperature levels
(3) will be used for such time interval.
Temperature levels can be set using BrowserOne or
via user menu on keypad.
Small square on line 1
Level 1
Small square on line 2
Level 2
No small squares
Level 3
"antifreeze" level is not used.
For example, referring to above image:
• in time interval 6-7 level 2 is applied (small square on row
• in time interval 9-10 level 1 is applied (small square on
row 1)
• in time interval 11pm-12am level 3 is applied (no small
When the chronothermostat interface is active, some keys
will change the command related:
Enter status display menu
Press * or #.
Arrow keys, normally used for such function, in chronother-
mostat interface will open temperature change menu.
Enter system menu and functions
To access setup menu and arming/disarming functions enter
user code.
7.1.1 Chronothermostat status change
To change chronothermostat status:
– Use arrow keys ↑ or ↓
– Press
repeatedly until the status desired is displayed.