If the instrument does not display the fault, according to the principle diagram to find the input signal is
normal, such as vehicle without walking, need to make sure the input of the accelerator and the direction
switch is normal, the accelerator signal lines 1 a16, direction of signal is a22 1 and 1 a33, multi meter
measuring controller plug place are available, and between the signal and the cathode, the corresponding
switch operation,Whether there is voltage change is shown as follows:
If the input signal is correct, check the switch with the limitation of walking function. According to the
schematic diagram, it can be found that seat switch 1A9 and handbrake switch 1A14, as shown below
This type of switch can be measured at the controller plug whether there is a signal input.
2.4 Other limited functions of the fault, such as slow vehicle speed, slow lifting and so on.If the
speed is slow, first observe whether the speed mode of the instrument is in the state of H. The
instrument can switch the speed mode. If the speed mode is correct, according to the
schematic diagram, it can be found that the Angle sensor is the speed restricted, and whether
the input of the sensor is normal can be measured.
Press this button to read the
fault content
Controller plug