Technical Information C20-SATA • SATA Dual-Drive Mezzanine Module
J2/J3 SATA Docking Header(s)
The C20-SATA can be equipped with one or two 2.5-inch SATA drive(s), either hard disk (HDD), or
silicon state (SSD). The 22-position SATA docking header(s) J2 and J3 allow for direct attachment of
the drive(s), without cable assembly.
J2 is the top mount drive connector, and J3 is provided as a bottom mount option only, for a dual
drive solution.
The dual drive array requires additional headroom between the carrier board and the C20-SATA PCB.
Hence, the 4mm height mezzanine connector J1 (which is suitable for a single top mount drive) must
be replaced by an extended height 8mm connector (which results in 8mm+2mm=10mm total,
together with the mating carrier board mezzanine connector). Other mounting alternates (14mm,
18mm headroom) can be achieved by changing also the mating mezzanine connector on the carrier
board (10mm version).
SATA software drivers must be installed on the associated carrier card before using any SATA
connector on the C20-SATA.
Solid State Drive 2.5-Inch
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